Purpose: ITEOE Business International is a multifunctional non-profit organization organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, 1986, or the corresponding provision of any future federal law.
Most people go to school to get an education for the purpose to get a Job, when we should be going to school for the purpose of being producers of jobs, business owners and entrepreneurs. Some educational institutions have entrepreneur subjects taught within their curriculum, but only in theory. Most students worldwide today are graduating with a degree only to find themselves unemployed or underemployed. According to Yen (2012) Associated Press, within the U.S. stated "1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed". This new innovative education model called Information Technology Employer Oriented Education (ITEOE) is a step by step, result oriented development training guide and program which can be used as a value added curriculum within an educational institution or individual to produce "Employer\Business Owners" primarily instead of "Employees\Workers" for the betterment of themselves, their nation and economy. National scientific research within the Republic of the Philippines was conducted and proven in an ITEOE Qualitative, Quantitative and Quasi-Experiment that individuals with no degree after being trained in the ITEOE Education Model and allowed to implement, were able to officially setup, completly function and operate their business with international paying clients. The subjects who participated out performed and generated more income then the average college graduate upon graduation.
Why not make the ITEOE Education Model a standard in all educational institutions to better prepare our students prior to graduation in the event no jobs are available. We are asking you to join, aid and assist us in the ITEOE implementation movement worldwide to allow students/individuals to show case their Gifts and Talents to the world while at the same time building a better National economy, education system and innovative pool of resources (Employers, Entrepreneurs).
by: Cedric D. Rayford, Ph.D.
ITEOE Business International: focuses on the promoting, educating and implementation of the Information Technology Employer Oriented Education (ITEOE) Model to Governments, Educational Institutions and socially, economically and disadvantage individuals, organizations or groups. ITEOE is an education model innovation, based off the fundamental premise of commerce, student desire, will, ability and professional skill set acquired from their particular educational institution on how to do something for themselves prior to graduation, in the event no jobs exist. ITEOE is primarily proposed as a Value-Added Curriculum in the form of an ITEOE Education Development Training Guide and Program provided by a recognized institution or independent training Agency, whose primary purpose is to prepare, educate and demonstrate through real world needed activity to their prospective students or clients in various fields of study, how to function primarily as an Employer and secondary as an Employee. ITEOE will also be used as a vehicle to provide services to the socially, economically and disadvantage societies worldwide when opportunities present themselves.
Objective: To function as a charitable institution generous in donations, business startup services or gifts to relieve the needs of indigent, ill, or helpless persons or organizations.
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